Hi, I'm Marika Ward,

a busy mum of 2, tertiary educated Nutritionist (DipNutr) and international certified Integrative nutrition health Coach, and founder of Marika Ward Nutrition.

Do you feel tired, but wired? Overworked? Easy to snap? Frazzled? I GET IT!

After working as a Nutritionist for 5 years, in 2022 off the back end of 2 challenging years of covid...

I had 2 jobs, 2 small kids & financial/ life pressure from closing down our family business- I was going through a particularly Busy & Stressful season of life.


My son got sick with a rare autoimmune condition, my father-in-law went in for emergency heart surgery, while my mother was in hospital AND THEN I needed my own surgery!

This what I call THE STRESS BURDEN, layers on layers of stress (aka chronic stress) that eventually leads to STRESS OVERLOAD and the myriad of symptoms it causes

This giant stress burden had me…

- Feeling EXHAUSTED (but I couldn’t sleep)

- Gaining WEIGHT in my mid section (even though my diet hadn’t changed)

- Becoming disorganised, forgetful & incapable of forward thinking (at a time when I REALLY needed to keep my life in check)

So how did I managed it?

Simply… The only way I could! 🥴 My focus was just getting through the day!

- I drank more coffee then usual to function in my job/s and at home (increasing my morning cortisol)

- I eat sugar in the afternoons because I needed the extra energy to get me through the rest of the day (adding to more cortisol)

- And then drank wine in the evenings to calm my stressed out body (piling on some more cortisol)

YELP- this is the EXACT Method to use to FUEL an already RAGING Stress Fire 🔥 


BUT then, because I actually DID know better- I worked on REDUCING my Cortisol Load through the power of nutrition and lifestyle.

Because life will throw you lemons from time to time (and sometimes all at once) but if we reduce our stress burden day to day with simple nutrition and lifestyle habits, we can avoid total STRESS OVERLOAD, creating a more stress resilient body & mind.

Let me EMPOWER you to truly understand what is going on in your body, and TRANSFORM it by reducing inflammation, optimising the health of your gut & regulating your hormones, to Reduce your STRESS BURDEN and Reclaim your ENERGY once and for all!